Monday 17 October 2011


Look out and see, many clamor for it
Is it a curse or a natural nature?
The sick desire it above all
The slaved envy all who posses it

Who are you that all desire your company?
Even those who have nothing to hold on to
The rich and the poor alike
The meek and turbulent alike

All seek for one form or another
Are you a natural nature?
Or a purnishment from nature itself
Are you for us or constantly against us?

The desire to have you drives many nuts
And when you are not found, oh misery
But where do you dwell and what is your composition?

So simple it seems yet unexplainable
Your grasp never fully obtainable
Yet all clamor to achieve this unexplainable
Then I asked what then is this unattainable?

You are never totally ever found
Yet you cause uproar, tension, fear and chaos.

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